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Bed Bugs

closeup photo of a bedbug
Scientific Name :
Length :
( 0.18 inches, 4.5mm)
Bites? :
Spreads Disease? :
highly unlikely yet possible
Risk Factors :
High: Itching and risk of infection
How to get rid of this?

Known as the great travelers they can reach your dwelling via luggage, bedding, stuffed animals, and furniture. Bed bugs have a one-year lifespan during which time a female can lay +/- 300 eggs depending on food supply and temperature. Eggs hatch in about 10 days.

An indication of bed bugs infestation: In order to determine whether or not you have bed bugs, you should have a proactive approach. Seek live or dead bugs, or you can also look for the dead skin that they leave behind while molting. Bed bugs hide in cracks and crevices during the day and will leave their harborage area at night to feed on their hosts. The blood meal takes about 3 to 10 minutes to complete and usually goes without notice to the host. After feeding, bed bugs leave reddish-black feces on the bedding or mattress. They often lay their eggs in dark crevices near the bed corners.

Diagnosis of an infestation involves both finding bed bugs and the occurrence of compatible symptoms. Treatment involves the elimination of the insect (including its eggs) and taking measures to treat symptoms until they are fully resolved.

In terms of skin reaction, it varies from person to person. Some people are not allergic to bed bug bites and will show no skin reaction. Others are highly allergic and will experience red skin bumps, irritation, and rash or even blisters.

Bed bug infestations can also have a significant psychological impact on victims.

Get help right away! For bed bug removal in Winnipeg choose GL pest control.

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