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Spider Control Winnipeg

Gilles Lambert Pest Control > Spider Control Winnipeg

Spider Control Winnipeg

Though spiders get a bad rap for being creepy and ugly (and, let’s be honest, the whole eight-leg thing is kinda creepy and ugly), they’re also major contributors to insect control in the environment. And they’re not usually dangerous or aggressive – especially not in Manitoba. Manitoba is home to many different species of spiders. Some of the most common include Wolf Spiders, Cellar Spiders, House Spiders, and Fishing Spiders. Most are nocturnal, shy, and primarily concerned with finding quiet corners and dark spaces to build webs and capture bugs.

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Of course, the occasional poisonous Black Widow, Brown Recluse, or Hobo Spider gets transported into Manitoba in a shipment from warmer regions. But the average Manitoba homeowner dealing with a spider infestation is not dealing with species like these. That being said, the average homeowner also sees spiders as unwanted pests and generally wants them to do their insect-catching work somewhere beyond the four walls of their home. If you’re dealing with a spider infestation on your Winnipeg property, Gilles Lambert Pest Control Services Inc. can definitely help.

How Gilles Lambert Pest Control Manages Your Spider Problem

Gilles Lambert’s fully licenced technicians take a multi-step approach to spider treatment in your Winnipeg home or business. Our services are designed to eliminate spiders with the least disruptive methods possible.


Before our technicians begin treatment, they will accurately identify the type(s) of spiders you’re dealing with. Knowing what type of spiders are present will inform our treatment approach because different spider species have different behaviours and attractants.

Our technicians will also identify any food sources, harbourage sites (such as cluttered areas or overgrown vegetation), and potential entry points that are allowing spiders to make their way into your Winnipeg area home or business.

Professional Spider Control Treatment Options for Your Home

Habitat Modification

The first step in eliminating spiders is ensuring your home is an undesirable habitat for them. Often, this is as simple as doing some routine cleaning and maintenance to remove attractants, harbourage sites, and entry points.

Gilles Lambert Pest Control Services Inc. recommends sweeping and vacuuming baseboards, regularly sweeping behind furniture and appliances, removing old spider webs, keeping clutter off the floor, putting weather stripping around doors and windows, and sealing any cracks or holes in your Winnipeg home.


Using a simple (and environmentally friendly) mixture of soapy water and essential oils can be a great way to repel spiders from high-traffic areas and keep spider infestations at bay. Combine this with routine cleaning such as vacuuming to remove egg sacs and live spiders.

Exterior Perimeter Treatments

Gilles Lambert’s technicians can spray your Winnipeg home’s exterior to kill spiders on contact and also provide a residual barrier that will prevent spiders from entering in the future.

Talk to our Winnipeg, MB office to see if this service could be right for your situation. Remember, we offer free estimates!

Spot and Void Treatments

Spot treatments control spiders in exposed, localized areas, while void treatments are ideal for larger populations that may exist in less accessible places such as small cracks, crevices, or wall voids.

Customers who opt for these services can expect our technicians to safely identify and spray key areas where spider activity is highest. You can always count on exceptional service from Gilles Lambert Pest Control Services Inc.


Once our technicians have provided spider treatment services, they will continue to monitor your Winnipeg area home or business for spider activity and make adjustments as required. Our company is committed to ensuring our services are effective in the long term and will also take time to educate you about how to prevent further spider infestations in the future.

Common Spider Harbourage Areas

Some of the most common places where spiders like

to live and hide include deck areas, fences, expansion joints, the foundation of your home, near doors and windows, attic spaces, garages, crawl spaces and basements, storage rooms, closets, corners, and sheds. Also, if you have an outhouse on your property outside Winnipeg, always keep it clean and weather-stripped, and take time to double-check that no spiders are harbouring under the toilet seat.

Let Gilles Lambert Pest Control Manage Your Spider Problem

If spiders are bothering you in your Winnipeg area home or business, let Gilles Lambert Pest Control Services Inc. help. Locally owned, our company provides service to customers within Winnipeg, MB and beyond. Require residential services in Swan River or Portage la Prairie? We’ve got you covered.

Our spider treatment services are available at a reasonable cost to homeowners within the city and in rural areas. Call us today to manage these unwanted pests!

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